Monday, June 09, 2008

Filling my void

So I find my self with a void that needs filling. There is just an empty spot in my life. Yes I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful kids but there is just something missing. I want to have another baby. I have been trying now for 10 months and I am on fertility drugs called clomid. I have been on them for 3 months now and they have decided to up my dosage this third round. I have no clue what it will bring. I don’t know if the medicine will work. Things are so unknown when it comes to getting pregnant. So instead right now I am going another route.
I am going to get a puppy. Yep I am trying the next step to filling the void. It all started when our neighbor’s mom had her 6 puppies over there. The kids went out the door with Chris to fly a paper airplane. It took about 5 seconds for them to notice the neighbors out there with the puppies.
The kids ran over there and so I followed. The puppies were just so cute all in the yard playing around. It was a hot day so when I was standing there they came and got underneath me to cool off. I couldn’t help but fall in love with the puppies. Once I was told how much they were I knew we wouldn’t get one of those puppies. So on went the trying to convince Chris to go and get a puppy.
I searched online. I emailed people and gave them a call to see which puppies were available. I finally wore Chris down enough that he looked on the website and picked out a puppy that he liked the most. I emailed about her and got an email back that she was available. I was so thrilled that Chris picked out a dog. We went with in two days to see her.
Once we got to the RAL where the puppy was I could just feel the excitement not only from myself but from my kids. They were so excited to see all the puppies. We went back with a lady who was so sweet and tried to find our puppy we seen online. She found a little one that looked like her but it ended up not being her. So when they brought in the puppy we did see she was a lot bigger than we thought. She was perfect though. She was pretty calm for a 4 month old. The kids seemed to love her as much as me.
So after meeting her we decided that she belonged with us. We went and filled out an application for her. So it won’t be long till she is at home with us. It is not for sure that it will fill my void completely but I know it will help. I have so much love for her already. I can't wait to bring my Jan home.

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