Monday, July 21, 2008

Little boy

Word generator Little boy, pen, living room, running shoes

A little boy with blonde hair and blue eyes was in the living room of his home. He was playing with his big sister. They were laughing very hard while the mom was in the kitchen doing the dishes. The mommy could hear the laughing and thought to her self that everything was ok because of the giggles she heard. What his mommy didn’t know was that his big sister had handed the little blonde hair boy a pen.

All of a sudden the mommy heard it get quiet and heard the sound of running shoes through the house. The mommy went to peak around the corner and no one was to be found. So she set off to find the kids. She looked in the closet and looked in the rooms. The mommy listened and heard giggling. She followed the giggles and came to her bedroom. The mommy saw some movement coming from under her blanket on her bed. She snuck up to it and grabbed the covers and pulled it back. She noticed that the little boy with blond hair had ink all over his legs from the pen. Mommy shook her head and took him to bathroom to clean him up. Silly boy!

Monday, June 09, 2008

Filling my void

So I find my self with a void that needs filling. There is just an empty spot in my life. Yes I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful kids but there is just something missing. I want to have another baby. I have been trying now for 10 months and I am on fertility drugs called clomid. I have been on them for 3 months now and they have decided to up my dosage this third round. I have no clue what it will bring. I don’t know if the medicine will work. Things are so unknown when it comes to getting pregnant. So instead right now I am going another route.
I am going to get a puppy. Yep I am trying the next step to filling the void. It all started when our neighbor’s mom had her 6 puppies over there. The kids went out the door with Chris to fly a paper airplane. It took about 5 seconds for them to notice the neighbors out there with the puppies.
The kids ran over there and so I followed. The puppies were just so cute all in the yard playing around. It was a hot day so when I was standing there they came and got underneath me to cool off. I couldn’t help but fall in love with the puppies. Once I was told how much they were I knew we wouldn’t get one of those puppies. So on went the trying to convince Chris to go and get a puppy.
I searched online. I emailed people and gave them a call to see which puppies were available. I finally wore Chris down enough that he looked on the website and picked out a puppy that he liked the most. I emailed about her and got an email back that she was available. I was so thrilled that Chris picked out a dog. We went with in two days to see her.
Once we got to the RAL where the puppy was I could just feel the excitement not only from myself but from my kids. They were so excited to see all the puppies. We went back with a lady who was so sweet and tried to find our puppy we seen online. She found a little one that looked like her but it ended up not being her. So when they brought in the puppy we did see she was a lot bigger than we thought. She was perfect though. She was pretty calm for a 4 month old. The kids seemed to love her as much as me.
So after meeting her we decided that she belonged with us. We went and filled out an application for her. So it won’t be long till she is at home with us. It is not for sure that it will fill my void completely but I know it will help. I have so much love for her already. I can't wait to bring my Jan home.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Do you know the real me?

Do you know who the real me is? I do and I like her. I am the girl who loves shooting guns, playing video games, watching action packed movies and just hanging with the guys. I feel the most comfortable wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Heck I am wearing Chris’s clothes most days. I like me and how I am.

Some girls just think that I am a slob or that I can’t dress. Sure I do can that stuff. Heck I have girly clothes but putting them on causes me so much pain and stress. I can never find something that looks nice together. If I do before I get out the darn door something happens and I get one part of my outfit messed up. Now if I was just wearing my normal T-shirt and jeans I wouldn’t give if it got messed up. I have been told that “oh you should dress up for your husband every once in a while.” I have done this but what I don’t see is why I need to. He fell in love with the girl I was and still am. I was the girl with the baggy pants and flannel shirts. Why should I make an effort to change who I am? I don’t want to change him so why should I change me?

I don’t understand the reason behind some women’s thoughts or actions. Why they think people have to look a certain way. Some women don’t think they can go out of the house with out makeup on? Why? I don’t know why, I am asking you? I go out of the house every day without any makeup at all. The only time I wear it is if I want to try and look extra sexy for my husband but I don’t even need to do that for him to be interested in me. I just wear it because I have it. Some girls say I need to try and make an effort to look sexy for my husband. Why I listen to these girls I don’t know. This isn’t me I am not the makeup wearing kind of person. I know these girls mean well but you know what I like me just the way I am.

Another thing is I am all tomboy, it is not just the fact I hate dressing up pretty and wearing makeup it is the fact I love guns and everything to do with them. Have you ever shot a gun it is fun as all get out. It is a great feeling to know you can protect yourself and your loved ones if anything at all were to happen. I love video games that have to do with shooting guns. Counter strike is my favorite. Movies with guns in them are awesome! I love the action packed movies with guns shooting all around people. My friends get so mad when their husbands sit around and play video games or watch these gory movies with blood in them. Have you ever tried it? Have you tried to sit and watch something your husband is interested in or played a video game he is interested in? I know I have and it make a heck of a difference in how you view things. Your husbands aren’t wasting their time they are unwinding. It is fun we should all do it. Not just the games, movies or going shooting with your husbands but finding something in common to share and so with him. Not something girly but something he likes. I find that this makes up for the fact that I don’t dress girly. I am sexy in his eyes because I have some of the same interests as he does. Isn’t that a great way to be me? Sharing what he loves?

I have found over the years I feel more comfortable around guys. Not because I love doing guy things but because they just don’t care how you dress, what you do or how you act. They are just so much easier to hang out with. They don’t want to go shopping which is another thing I am not fond of. They don’t want to go to chick flicks all the time which is what girls love. Ok I can do the occasional chick flick but dang it because I am a girl doesn’t mean I need to see girly movies all the time. On date nights we usually go and see something we both want to see. I do not torture him with a movie I know he is not going to like. So why would I have to change? I love the girl I am. He loves the girl I am. So know you know the real me. I love to get down a dirty with the boys and I hate girly clothes. I will never be the girly girl, I will forever be the tomboy.

Friday, May 30, 2008

12 kids....smack!

While out at Cici's pizza I looked out the window and there was a huge car load of kids that got out of an SUV. Well I am sure they didn't all get out of there because it looked like a truck parked next to them had kids in it to. So as they walked in to eat I started counting people. If there is any place to come to eat for cheap and get full they came to the right place. I counted 10 people or so I thought was 10. That was including the parents. So as they were all getting seated my mom said that all the kids were calling the woman mom. Then she walked by with a cute blond haired little girl. She looked like she was Cohen's age. My mom and I both said "what a cute little girl." The lady said thanks.

So then I started talking about my friends who have 9 kids to my parents. My parents seem to be anti kid. Yes I have 2 kids but they thought one was enough. Trust me they love both kids but it took until Cohen was born to like the fact of me having another. I decided to bring up another friend who wanted 12 kids. My mom know him pretty well so the look on her face was funny. I told her his wife said no more than 6. Then my mom decided to tell me that when I was little I said I wanted 12 kids but I wasn't getting married. I was going to adopt them all. I always remember saying I wanted to adopt kids I just never knew how many I said.

I could never imagine my life with out the wonderful husband I have or the two beautiful kids I have. Now having 12 is a different story! I give props to the mothers who can handle that many but I don't think I could do that. I do want more children though. Maybe just one more. Depends on what Heavenly Father decides to bless me with. It is a challenge for me to even get pregnant. All the trying and going through fertility stuff.

Well back to the story of the lady I saw in Cici's. She said something to me while I was getting pizza and of course I had to say "what?" I am just a person who zones out when people are around me. I am aware they are there but I don't ever think random people will talk to me. Even though they do it all the time. She was asking me how old Cohen was and telling me he was cute. I told her 2. She said that her little girl we said was so cute was 2 also. Well then she said that she was pregnant with her 8th. So I either miscounted or one girl was a friend. I told her that was wonderful! She then continued to tell me that it took them 4 years to have their first. Then after that it was no problem but they did miscarry a few pregnancies. I told her about me while looking over my shoulder to make sure my parents were out of ear shot that we were trying for another and hoped that it would happen soon. She told me good luck.

Now this was an amazing woman. Not only is she pregnant with her 8th child but she didn't give up hope when it took her 4 years to have her first. She had miscarriages and still went on. I look up to the moms out there who can have so many and also never loose hope. You don't have to have them tell you that they never lost hope you can just tell while talking to them. I know there are many times when I just wanted to say "forget it I am done." Something always smacks me in the head and says "oh no you are not!" I think me talking to the woman was another one of those smacks. I have just become numb to trying for another but then talking with her I will filled with hope again. It is amazing what you can pick up from others or learn about them in a short conversations. You never know if that was someone you needed to talk to until it does smack you in the back of the head.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

They had nothing to say....

They had nothing to say to each other as they rode in the car across town. They were on their way to dinner but an argument over some silly had made them decide silence was the best answer. They could hear each other breathing and feel the tenseness in the air between them. Which one would cave in and admit that they were wrong? Of course neither one wanted to ever admit to being wrong so the silence had to be broken some how. She decided the best way to do that was to turn on the radio. She flipped through the stations and landed on their song. Tears started coming down her face. She turned her face away from him so he wouldn’t see. But he knew she was crying, he always knows that this song touches her heart. So he grabs her hand and gives it a squeeze. In that moment the silence was broken by the love that they have for each other.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Blue Empty Glass

* Just a note that I was up at 2am and wrote this....

“What is going to be put inside me today?” The blue empty glass wondered. Her square shape reflected on the wall as the sun light shone through the window.

The blue empty glass sat upon the counter top patently waiting for someone to fill her up. “Will it be a soda, maybe some cold milk, or juice, or even water?” The empty glass was deep in thought when she heard someone come in.

A large hand reached out and the blue empty glass held her breath with excitement because she knew this was it. This is the moment she would be filled up. The hand however took a smaller empty glass half it’s size and filled it up with milk. The blue empty glass felt sad inside because she wanted to be full. The hand then placed the other glass back down beside the blue empty glass. The blue empty glass could see that the little empty glass had a little bit of milk sliding down the outside. Oh how the blue empty glass wished that she could have been the one that was filled with milk.

The blue empty glass could now see another hand reaching up. This was a smaller hand trying to grab her. She held her breath and closed her eyes and opened them to the feeling of water going inside. It was not the small hand that held her but a larger one. Then the smaller hands came close again with something inside them.

The blue empty glass was happy because she was no longer empty. She now held something beautiful inside. It wasn’t soda, or milk or even juice. She now was a full blue glass that held flowers inside.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Word set short story

Word set: Set 1: paper clips, principle, lunch box, swing, girl with a pink ribbon.

A little girl with a pink ribbon in her hair was entering her first day of kindergarten. She was so excited to be a big girl now. She knew that she would love going to school. She had a Disney Princess back pack and lunch box. As she entered her classroom she noticed that as she hung her back pack up she was missing something. Her lunch box! It was still at home. She was so excited about going to school when she was getting her back pack on she left her lunch box sitting on the steps by the door.

Tears started to fill her eyes because she knew her mom had to go and run some chores that morning so there was no way her mom could bring her lunch box right away. She just hoped that her teacher knew what to do.

As she walked over to her teacher’s desk she noticed that someone had knocked over a container of paper clips. So she decided to start picking them for her teacher. Her teacher noticed that she was picking up the paper clips and told thank you. The teacher told her that she had actually knocked over the paper clips herself but had not picked them up because of helping a little boy who was said to leave his mother.

The little girl with the pink ribbon told her teacher that she needed help also because she had forgot her lunch box and her mom was out running chores for the morning. Her teacher told her that after recess that morning then she would let her go to the principle’s office and call her mom.

So after the bell rang for recess the little girl waiting on a swing dragging her feet along the ground. She was so sad that she had to call her mom on the first day of school because she forgot something. As she heard the bell ring again to go back inside she looked up and saw her mom holding her lunch box in her hand. She gave her a big hug and told her mom thank you. She hurried back inside to finish her first day of school.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Looking at photo #14

I found a thing on a website to help me come up with ideas just so I can write. One that I chose for today is to go through a photo album and choose the 14th picture. I decided to go with a wedding album...

Let me describe what is in the photo. In the photo is Chris and me and his parents. Chris's mom is standing by Chris and Chris is kissing her on the top of her head. I am in the middle of Chris and his dad. Behind us is a heart arch that is lit up with white lights. There are blue flowers and white bows on the arch as well.

Looking at this pictures just makes me feels so happy. I love that Chris is kissing his mom and showing his love for her. She has a smile of the happiest mother in the world. Her thoughts seem to be thinking that her first born has married in the temple and she is so proud of him. I am looking at who ever it was taking the picture. It looks like at this point I was tired of taking pictures even though I was still smiling. I was happy that I finally was married to Chris but I wanted to be with just him and not taking so many pictures. Chris's dad has a smile on his face and I know he was very happy as well. He is a harder person to read with his expressions. He is one you have to talk to to get what is going on with him. I do feel a lot of happiness and love in this picture.

Decided on another change

I am starting fresh on this blog. I am going to try, yes I said try to pick a topic and write about it. I am going to try this every day. We will see how it goes. I hope it goes well. I really need to get back into writing because it is something I have always liked.